I'm still considering this a "new blog" though because I changed pretty much everything on it. Anyhow, I don't really have time right now to post a blog on what I would normally want to post it on.
One thing I really want out of this blog though is to get feedback on some of the blogs i post. Whether it be by commenting on the blog, texting me, or talking to me personally about it, i truly don't care what form its done in. I would just like feedback.
I think the main reason why i want feedback is because that was one of the factors keeping me from getting a blogger. Because an author of a blog will go on about this or that and sometimes never get any opinions on something they posted. You see, I want to be able to address certain feelings and opinions of mine and have them be open to conversation.
I think I've started to ramble and explain a little too much haha. Anyways guys, comment, talk with me about my blogs, let me and any others who are willing to listen hear your voice.
Im excited to read what you'll post about :) and discuss things... yay :D
I agree with summer. Im a taco salad
I completely agree, that's the reason why I got a blog. And as Summer said and Adam conquered with, I too cannot wait to see what you'll post about.
Dude... sweet.
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